Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tune in tomorrow night on I.E. Live TV when we bring you another episode of OnDaGrindTV Presents Tha Come up with your host DJ iZUHM & his co-host Johnny Bone welcome Juxx Diamondz and Justified to the show. Log in and don't miss the interviews and their dope music videos. 

You can also watch it here on our blog by going to the Tha Come Up tab.

We go live at:
6pm Pacific
7pm Mountain
8pm Central
9pm Eastern

International viewers check your time zones to check out the show live.

Phone lines will be open while the show iz live so call in and holla at our hosts and special guests.


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Why You Mad Tho?


Pretty much all hiphoppas, especially hiphoppas on the West Coast and fans of Tupac Shakur, know about the most recent firestorm over a controversial story released by a website called "The News Spike." Kanye West supposedly dissed Pac and the sub-genre of "Gangsta Rap" when an "undisclosed person" mentioned to Kanye that his latest album, Yeezus, reminded this apparently fictional person of 2Pac's breakout album "Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z."  This brought on another one of Ye's male like diva tirades which allows for rumors or out right fake stories like these to run amuck on the internet and lead to real world problems.

For those not clear on the status of the story it's been supposedly confirmed as untrue. I say supposedly because I have not yet seen anything that confirms or unconfirms the alleged statements. So what iz left to do other than check the sources? Personally, I like to check the sources of any story by any media source whether it be mainstream or new media. The mainstream iz hardly credible without providing the proper data for their stories. If the data iz not readily available then I take it with a grain of salt. In this case, The News Spike iz not even a credible source of news at all and even admit as much at the bottom of the story in question. Take a look at the following screen cap.

That disclaimer above iz a screen cap that came directly from their website at the bottom of the page of where the story was published-which that iz about the only truthful thing on the entire website-yet people seemed to have missed that disclaimer entirely. Even those who were upset and commenting and those who were questioning the authenticity of the story on the website itself just below the article. Had they simply scrolled down to the bottom of the page they would have found the disclaimer themselves and maybe would have found the answers to all their questioning and bickering with one another.

You don't have to feel ashamed of being angry and for what someone did say, who iz happy to have their emotions played with? A fictional character that quickly comes to mind iz Big Worm from the film Friday. He didn't like his emotions being played with nor do most people and that's perfectly understandable. Maybe the anonymous author really feels that way 2Pac and Gangsta Rap or maybe that mysterious person hiding behind an indecipherable name just wants to provoke you, you being anybody and everybody that person could tap into your emotions and influence you into hating another human being over something they didn't even do all for the purpose to create viral content which leads to bigger advert money in the end. Do you like getting played? I know I don't and I don't like my emotions being used to attack another person, especially my fellow hiphoppas...that's just not conducive to what our kulture iz all about.

How can an author be given any credibility when they use indecipherable pseudonyms such as this story had?

Kanye West iz not exactly a stranger to controversy. He's not exactly an artist that fans adore except for his fan boys which he has no shortage of but some just seem to love to hate on him and see him stick his foot in his mouth over and over again. It's arguable that he's a great and brilliant emcee. I wouldn't call him a whack emcee but I wouldn't call myself a fan either...that's just my opinion though. It's far too early to call him one of the greats if you ask me. One thing for certain iz he knows how to stay relevant in the media whether it's intentional or unintentional there iz no one in recent years that keeps himself more in the headlines than Kanye does. However, it seems to be this alleged story of him dissing Pac and Gangsta Rap which holds no weight at all as truthful has him in more hot water than him actually stopping his concert and demanding everyone stand up and dance to the point he had his bodyguards investigating whether their disabilities were real. I've read a few different versions of that embarrassing incident so who knows if it was that bad or if it's being blown out of proportion like the false story of him dissing a great like 2Pac was. I think it's fairly safe to assume this article by The News Spike iz complete bullshit. He didn't say any of that. BUT...somebody did. Now the question remains who was this person and what was the motive behind it?

Does the truth of this mean people's anger iz silly or wrong and that they should feel ashamed about it now that they realize they have been duped? Not completely. It's simply misplaced anger, even righteous anger at that, as a respected icon, one that iz no longer alive, was dissed and an entire sub-genre was dissed that in some circles in this kulture of HIPHOP are very vocally against. We'll get into that in a second here as this story created some heated debates about whether Gangsta Rap iz even HIPHOP at all. Should we feel ashamed for being duped and falling for the okie doke? Hell to the yeah we should. We got played because we reacted without having all the information yet. I say "we" because I know I fell for it and I readily admit I should know better being highly suspect of all media reports. I'm usually a fact checker before a reactor but I was already biased by some of the shit Ye has said in the past so it sounded like some crazy shit he might have said. It soon occurred to me though that all the sources I seen posting their articles on it, some very respectable HIPHOP sites at that using the controversy to bring in hits to their sites, didn't have all the information either and were subsequently fueling the firestorm and had reputables ready to call Kanye out to catch a fade or two.

Now onto some of these debates this bullshit story created. One of those heated debates that has been raging on since the late 80s iz about whether Gangsta Rap iz even HIPHOP. 
Some of those in the past who have been the most critical of Gangsta Rap are the pioneers that created the movement and music of HIPHOP. Some of them being ex-gangbangers themselves and say the entire reason for the creation of HIPHOP was to get out of the self-destructive mindset.I don't know what their thoughts were regarding the statements that were alleged to have been made by Kanye but the sentiment in the story iz an echo of what I've heard from many of the pioneers which leads me to believe the person who wrote that nonsense iz a hiphoppa and familiar with the old debate. One that many of the younger generations are not even aware of so iz this author of the bullshit an older head? It sure seems like it may be the case. Those who are most vocally against it used this fabricated story as a spring board to voice their opinions and hatred for Gangsta Rap. This one story, a fake ass one at that, had our global community of HIPHOP torn apart on so many levels it revealed that our community iz not entirely connected to the consciousness of HIPHOP. 

I disagree more with the creation of sub-genre's which creates division than I do with those who label anything hardcore from the West Coast as "Gangsta Rap" and being a tool used to mislead and destroy certain segments of the population. Back when N.W.A. and Ice T among some of the others who took center stage in HIPHOP in the late 80s and early 90s were telling a story that West Coast hiphoppas who lived in the hood could relate much more closely to than what was coming out of the East Coast. The early West Coast HIPHOP didn't glorify the gangsta lifestyle at all, they told the story that was not being told (which gave birth to HIPHOP kulture in the South Bronx to begin with) and it almost always ended badly for the central characters in the West Coast emcees' stories about the streets and the hood.

Many of these so called gangsta rappers never gangbanged at any time in their lives. Some even became famous and then joined reputable street gangs after the fame came. Iz it publicity for the hood or the artist? You decide, but many of today's gangsta rappers are indeed glorifying the gangsta lifestyle and playing into the hands of the system and helping the prison systems keep the cells full and the slave labor very cheap. They help to misled the youth whether they acknowledge it or not because the youth hear the glorification and dream of being that false image some of these rappers portray in their music...images they themselves don't live up to. Tupac back in 1995 warned of the industry using sell outs to portray like they give a shit about the people stuck in the hood but these so called gangsta rappers only cared about the sex, money, and fame that comes with being a mainstream gangsta rapper back then. And yet here it iz 18 years later after his death and many of Pac's warnings are proving themselves to be true. And he was undeniably a "gangsta rapper" if we're labeling emcees.

So Kanye may not have dissed Pac or Gangsta Rap but the author of this story did. And it's only fair to point out here that HIPHOP on the West Coast iz far from being one dimensional and isn't only gangsta rappers who are telling stories on the Left Coast. People were mislead and their emotions were played with this false "satirical" story so who you mad at tho? Kanye West? Why? He didn't say any of that, but again...somebody did. The anonymous author did. So why are most people not talking about this on a much larger level than what that bullshit story did?? This should be the hot topic of the day that creates numerous memes, hashtags, debates, and calling out the author to catch fades for the shit they caused.

What we need to remember iz Kanye West actually did once state before in an interview was one of his biggest influences to his work included Pac. That iz confirmed, that iz real, but even though the cat iz out of the bag now that the story was completely made up most people are still pushing the hashtag #FuckKanye. I was guilty of doing it myself before I finally got enough info that he didn't actually say any of that nonsense. I like to think I'm a fair person to believe people have the ability to redeem and change themselves and I can't be mad at Kanye for something he didn't even do but I took his past controversial comments and wrongfully judged the dude. All this shit did was expose a hypocrisy in myself that I need to do some introspection over because I don't want to be that type who can be easily controlled through my emotions.

I have to stand up for Kanye at this point because that could be anyone of us in his position. You may think it doesn't have any negative effects on him and he may even no be one bit bothered by it but it does have negative implications because he could find himself in the wrong circle on the West Coast and real harm could ensue for something he never even said. At the end of the day destruction iz the complete opposite of what HIPHOP iz all about so I can't stay silent even though I'm not a fan of Kanye's personal views or of his music. It's deeper than Ye, it's HIPHOP that I'm concerned about and he's still apart of that kulture regardless of my personal taste.

One of the other biggest arguments that followed the story that needs to be addressed was who iz the GOAT emcee or the most overrated ever? These are the most pointless arguments of all time because everyone has an opinion and that will differ widely among the masses. It will never be factually determined who iz the greatest or most overrated emcee of all time. So why are we even wasting our time on any of these type of pointless arguments? Let's talk about how social media along with these satirical websites are controlling people's emotions instead as then we would be actually making a damn difference in those debates. That's HIPHOP...street knowledge iz one of the 9 elements as outlined by the Temple of HIPHOP. If we are going to be influenced by fake characters let's let Big Worm influence us for a moment because he wouldn't be cool with any of this emotional control bullshit because playing with his money iz LIKE playing with his emotions. I can respect the gangsta of Big Worm (who never existed) more than I can those who keep allowing themselves to be controlled through their emotions after it's been revealed to them they been hoodwinked or put up a front about who they are for monetary gain and fame using our kulture to get it.

People, especially hiphoppas, should be focusing more attention on these bitch ass people starting the rumors and revoking their passes than debating about personal preferences that not everyone will all agree upon as a fact. These writers from these fake news sites ain't sweating it out worried that the backlash could one day turn to them who are always setting it off to begin with because they hide their identity and we, the readers, allow a bullshit source to control us emotionally and that iz exactly what iz happening here. You may think it's harmless but it iz very harmful...there are people who are paying attention to the reaction of the masses...psychologists and scientists are studying our reactions to disinformation. It's very serious and the masses should be irate for being played with...we should all be like Big Worm. What's worse than playing with our money? Our emotions Smokey. 

What I hope this article instills in those who will read it iz be mindful who or what iz in control of your emotions. Most would like to think they control their own emotions but how can that be when so many are getting fired up on bullshit that never happened to begin with and don't even know who it iz firing us up? I'm just saying...don't be out of control, don't lose control, but BE IN CONTROL of your mind and emotions. You do have that power so why don't you use it instead of giving it away to those who will continue to use it against you? Check the sources of where you are getting your information and don't be so quick to let it form your opinions or thoughts for you until you get all the info especially when it pertains to our brothas and sistas in HIPHOP. At the end of the day it really does matter because you are being influenced and used to destroy the next man that may not necessarily deserve it no matter how you try to reason that you may dislike public figure. For that I will admit I need to apologize for my hashtags and posts regarding this particular story...it doesn't mean I have to like him but I won't be used as a tool to destroy another human's character. For that I humbly apologize and am truly sorry for buying into it and talking all the shit I did on Kanye when he didn't deserve it.

In the spirit of 2Pac, a message I would like to send to that author iz I do plan to reach out to some very talented people in the hacking community to see if we can't reveal your identity so maybe Kanye can sue your ass while every gangsta rapper and real gangsta gets in line to catch a fade with your sorry ass. You ain't HIPHOP sucka...you're the enemy to all that iz HIPHOP.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Check out the new live spin off series OnDaGrindTV Presents Tha Come Up with your host DJ iZUHM and follow us online to keep updated on the episodes.